Hier finden Sie einige der in letzter Zeit erschienenen Pressestimmen:>
CNET Download.com
- April 9, 1999
"Distributing files? This program makes it easy to create self-extracting executable, ZIP, CAB, and installer files...Version 3.0 adds the ability to create cabinet files for HTML-based Internet Component Downloads; "silent packages," which do not display a dialog box during self-extraction; and multiple-volume self-extracting executables."
SharePaper Rated Highest 5/5 - June 5, 1998
"TurboSFX is a powerful self-extracting (SFX) archives creator that allows you to customize every facet of executable file creation. It features an internal script language that makes creating a custom setup programs a snap. If you are a software developer or someone who distrbutes archives, this tool is a worthy addition to your software arsenal."
- Mikhail Gershkovich
TUCOWS - May 31, 1998
"ideal for the efficient and professional distribution of groups of files..."
Review can be seen on-line by clicking the link below.
Shareware Junkies 25 Stars! - May 15, 1998
"a file-distributor's dream come true!"
- Bobbie Crowell
Review can be seen on-line by clicking the link below.
ZDNet Hot Files! - April 6, 1998
"Turbo-charge your files, Distribute file packages fast and simply with TurboSFX - Exe and Zip files are easy to create using this suite of tools and wizards."
Review can be seen on-line by clicking the link below.
SOFTSEEK top download! editor's pick! - April 6, 1998
"TurboSFX is ideal for packaging up files or distributing software programs. The self-installing archives can be safely sent by e-mail, placed on Web sites, or distributed on disk or CD-ROM."
Review can be seen on-line by clicking the link below.
Shareware.com Software Showcase - April 1, 1998
"The EXE and ZIP files that TurboSFX creates are ideal for the efficient and professional distribution of software."
Review can be seen on-line by clicking the link below.
Download.com PREMIERE - March 27, 1998
"Pack files of any shape and size into intelligent self-expanding archives with TurboSFX..."