Partielle Liste von Firmen, die Software von Pacific Gold Coast Corp. einsetzen:
ADP Consult |
Aiken High School |
Alcon (Puerto Rico), Inc. |
Alliane Life |
Amtrak Corp. |
Arthur D. Little |
AT & T |
Autodesk |
Bakersfield College |
Baruch College CUNY |
Bell Atlantic Corporation |
Blue Cross - Blue Shield of Massachusetts |
Booz Allen Hamilton Inc. |
Brookhaven National Labs |
Browning-Ferris Industries |
California Department of Education |
Caltex Pacific Indonesia (Texaco) |
Canon Europe NV |
Charles Schwab & Co. Inc. |
Colorado State University |
Columbia College, Art Dept. |
Comedy Central |
CompuServe |
Concordia University |
Cornell University |
Dallas Baptist University |
Del Mar Avionics |
Deloitte & Touche LLp |
Department of Commerce/NOAA/ETL |
Detroit Medical Center |
Dow Chemical |
Educational Learning Systems |
EDV-Zentrum der Universitat Innsbruck |
El Paso Energy |
Endo Vascular Instruments Inc. |
European Parliament |
Fireman's Fund Insurance Co. |
Florida State University |
Ford Motor Corporation |
Fordham University |
Fortune Magazine |
General Electric Medical Systems |
General Motors (EDS) |
Glaxo Wellcome |
Goodyear |
Hewlett Packard |
Hillcrest Baptist Church |
Hofstra University |
Hospital de la Santa Cruz |
Hughes Aircraft Company |
IBM Corporation |
Idaho State University |
Indiana University South Bend |
Intel Corporation |
International Air Transport Association (IATA) |
ITT Sheraton Corporation |
Ivy Tech State College |
J.C. Penney Co., Inc. |
Johns Hopkins University |
Jostens Learning Corp. |
Kabi Pharmacia AB |
Lakehead University |
Levi Strauss France |
Lockheed Martin |
Los Alamos National Library |
Los Angeles City Fire Dept. |
Louisiana State University |
M&M/Mars Inc. |
Mackenzie & Co. |
MaGee Women's Hospital |
Mayo Clinic |
Mayo Foundation |
Met Life |
Mining Technologies Australia |
Minnesota Department of Transportation |
Monsanto Europe S.A. |
Motorola Ltd. |
NASA - Goddard Space Flight Center |
National Drug Intelligence Center |
National Hockey League |
NIKE, Inc. |
Nortel |
Novel Inc. |
Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Overlook Hospital Lab. |
Penta Systemi s.r.l. |
Perot Systems |
Phoenix Technologies |
Pitney Bowes |
QVC - The Shopping Channel |
Rand McNally |
Raychem Corporation |
Raytheon Company |
Rhone-Poulenc Rorer, Inc. |
Rohm & Haas |
Salomon Brothers |
Salt Lake City WREC |
San Diego Mesa College |
Sandia National Labs |
Sloan-Kettering Memorial Cancer Center |
Smith & Nephew Endoscopy |
Smithtown Central School District |
Snap-On-Tools |
Software Spectrum |
Spectrum Management Systems, Canada |
Square D Company |
SRI International |
St. Joseph High School |
State University of New York at Stony Brook |
Stream International |
Texas Instruments |
The Bear Stearns Companies |
The Mitre Corporation |
The New York Observer |
The Westminster Schools |
Toshiba User Group |
Tunisian Information Office |
UNISYS Corporation |
United Parcel Service (UPS) |
University of Tucson |
University College Dublin |
University of Chicago - Medical Centre |
University of Iowa |
University of Maryland |
Univ. Saskatchewan, Dept. of Psychology |
Univ. Western Ontario, Sommerville House |
University of Texas at Dallas |
US Air Force |
US Army Corps of Engineers |
US Army Research Lab |
US Department of Agriculture |
Volt Services Group |
W.R. Grace |
Wayne State Univ. Behavioral Medicine Lab. |
West Virginia University Dept. of Pediatrics |
Weyerhaeuser |
York College / CUNY |